I Was Infected With COVID-19 For 10 Minutes – A Cautionary Tale

The 19th of November 2020, I had a rendezvous at the Montreal Heart Institute for an ECG test. The ECG test takes less than a minute to accomplish, however, to get my ECG test, it took over 10 minutes of unrelated testing and COVID-19 question answering because their infrared temperature tool kept reporting 39.6 degrees …

Healthy Anti-Maskers Versus Mask Wearer With True Condition

While viewing a video highlighting how Kelly Lynch lives with her ailments, I have noticed she wears a mask in public to protect against COVID-19 despite living with a pulmonary hypertension. At that point, I made a remark, which I will share with you verbatim. This girl, handicapped, including a severe pulmonary hypertension requiring an …

Mrs. Bergeron From Bell Textron Mirabel Is Wrong

Many people in Quebec are upset that our provincial police (Sûreté du Québec) did not buy a helicopter from Bell Textron of Mirabel, even more so for not going through a bidding. Some argue that “made in Quebec” should prevail, especially when Bell/Textron is about to lay off 75 of its 1,200 workers in Mirabel …

Leaders talking to their citizens about COVID-19

Of all leaders around the world, Trump thinks the U.S citizens are the only people on this planet not being able to learn the truth, he thinks they will panic, so he deceits. Because a U.S citizen would have freaked more than a Japanese or Italian in knowing the truth? I do not get this …

Trump And Navid Afkari Case

The other day Donald Trump tweeted a message at Iranian officials asking for dropping the execution of an Iranian personality named Navid Afkari. I approve of Trump’s plea toward the Iranian officials to not kill Navid Afkari as I am against the death penalty. However, I doubt Trump’s reason for asking to spare Afkari’s life …

John’s Photo Edits – Suite 1

Among many demeaning things, Trump will be remembered forever as Bunker Boy. Using the Fallout game series font, here’s Trump in an actual bunker depicted as a Fallout bunker boy. Pete Buttigieg unsuccessful run. She’s deeply weird. For those who does not understand the edit below, it is a scene from the movie Jaws where …