Undone Commitments

Mustafa Bali, the head of SDF Press Office in northern Syria, twitted a few days ago a sentence that caught my attention. In fact, his entire post was right on point.

It is a recurring theme with Trump’s administration, dropping commitments.

And yet those people do not expect the U.S to protect them, and Mustafa Bali said it without any demeaning tone as well. He also articulated well the sentiments of many individuals in that region, where many feel they are owed an explanation as there were pacts maid in the past and now the U.S pulls out of those commitments without explanation.

If you ask my opinion, this is another engineered consequence favoring Turkey and their friend, not NATO, but Russia. It continues to play well into Russia’s long term objective of diminishing the U.S leadership. It also plays well into the further removal and weakening of U.S forces in the region.

Russia’s requirements are being fulfilled and right now with Trump at the helm, that they pupped him or not, they are pleased with the consequences.

Meanwhile the Democrats are impeaching the impossible, never in the history of the United States have they been attacked so seriously all the while being complacent. All this, merely because they are taking advantage of the United States during their period of great divide while The Great Divider is leader.