A Glowing Future For The Canadian Lobster Fisheries

Everything said and brought to attention in this PBS reporting is important, but take a particular note the moment this sentence is said: “So China’s retaliatory tariffs benefit the Canadian industry, already growing as the Gulf of Maine warms, pushing lobsters north.” Humans can add or remove layers of clothing or switch a button to …

Conspiracy Terrorists

I have noticed today it is a bonanza of Sandy Hook and conspiracy terrorist related news. Yes, I wrote conspiracy “terrorist” to describe the conspiracy theorists of this world who cannot argue without inciting violence or other provocations deemed a grave nuisance towards the affected people. Thus, there are those who fall into the conspiracy …

Experts Concerned Over The Sale Of F-35’s To Turkey?

Recently mike Pompeo and tis delegates visited Turkey for some rounds of discussions. Among the topics, the United-States voiced additional concerns over Turkey’s deal to purchase numerous anti-aircraft weapon system from Russia, all the while requesting the purchase of F-35’s from the U.S. While I respect the United-States concerns over their technology being possibly scrutinized …